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Chinese Red Aglaonema - A Low Price Chinese Evergreen

  • Friday, 01 March 2024
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Chinese Red Aglaonema - A Low Price Chinese Evergreen

Known as one of NASA's "clean air plants", these beautiful Chinese Evergreens make for a perfect decorative element on your windowsill, desk or tabletop.low price chinese red aglaonema plant Their bold green and red splashes add a fun pop of color that can brighten up any room!

The aglaonema plant is an evergreen houseplant that's easy to maintain.low price chinese red aglaonema plant A popular variety, the Red Siam aglaonema is a vibrant green with bright red streaked foliage that brings a stunning color to any indoor space. They're often used in traditional feng shui as they are thought to bring good luck and fortune to their owners.

These exotic tropical plants love bright indirect sunlight, but they will quickly adjust to growing in low light conditions too.low price chinese red aglaonema plant They thrive in high humidity, but should be kept away from drafts and cold temperatures. Aglaonema plants are also fairly drought tolerant and will do well in dry climates. Water them when the top inch of the soil feels dry and avoid over-watering to prevent root rot.

This easy-to-grow houseplant is also easy to propagate, especially from stem cuttings. Simply remove a stem from the main branch and replant it in a new container with a peat-based potting mix. New roots will form in as little as two weeks!

As a member of the Bromeliad family, aglaonemas are perennial tropical plants with a thick rhizome that easily roots to the ground. They are native to the tropics and subtropics of Asia and New Guinea. Known as Chinese Evergreens, they have long been cherished as symbols of prosperity and good luck.

They're a very popular and easy-to-maintain houseplant for their unique colorful foliage and are known to attract butterflies and bees. Aglaonema plants are extremely adaptable, making them an ideal choice for beginners as they can withstand many different growing conditions and thrive in most indoor environments.

Aglaonema plants can be found in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and colors, with variegated leaves being particularly popular. Variegated aglaonema plants display varying shades of green with accents of other colors, including pink, white, and red. Some plants even produce flowers that look like peace lily blooms!

The best soil for aglaonema is a peat-based potting mix with extra perlite. It should be lightly acidic with a pH in the 5.6 to 6.5 range. Aglaonema prefer drier rather than overly moist soil, and will do better in light shade than full sun. Water your aglaonema when the top inch of soil is dry and keep it out of direct sunlight to avoid leaf scorch.

Aglaonema need regular fertilization during the spring and summer for optimum growth. Use a liquid fertilizer and dilute it to half strength. Reduce or suspend fertilization during the winter as the plants enter their dormant period. This helps avoid over-fertilization and promotes healthy aglaonema plants that are resistant to disease and insect infestation.

Tags:wholesale chinese aglaonema varieties young plant seedlings are available

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