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How To Care For A Calathea Indoor Plant

  • Tuesday, 07 May 2024
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How To Care For A Calathea Indoor Plant

An easy-care indoor plant, the calathea boasts vibrant green foliage that adds a pop of colour to any room.calathea indoor plant These plants are easy to grow and thrive well in low light conditions, but they do require a little extra care. Read on to learn more about how to care for a calathea plant and get the most out of this tropical beauty.

Light: Calatheas prefer medium to bright indirect sunlight but will do well in lower light as well.calathea indoor plant Avoid direct sunlight as it will scorch the leaves. Water: Calatheas are a moderate water-drinking houseplant, but be careful not to overwater them as this can lead to root rot. Water them regularly when the top inch of the soil is dry, using distilled or rainwater or water that has been filtered to remove fluoride and other minerals.

Humidity: Calatheas like a humid environment, and some species even have aerial roots that absorb moisture from the air.calathea indoor plant They enjoy being placed in steamy bathrooms and kitchens, but can be grown in a regular living room as well if the humidity is increased by misting them frequently or placing them on a pebble tray with water.

Fertilizer: Feed a calathea monthly during the growing season, using a balanced houseplant fertilizer diluted to half strength.calathea indoor plant Don’t fertilize in winter.

Pests: Fungus gnats, spider mites and scale can all be problems for calatheas. Spraying the leaves and soil with horticultural oil can help eradicate these pests. Aphids are also problematic but can be managed with a regular application of neem oil.

Other issues: Brown leaf tips or edges may suggest your calathea is getting too much direct sunlight. A wilting plant can often be revived with a good drink of water, but the best option is to move the plant to a more shaded area. Yellowing or burnt leaves can be caused by too much direct sun, watering with tap water containing high levels of fluoride or a lack of humidity.

Repotting: Repot a calathea every year or two, using a fresh mix of potting soil. When repotting, gently dig up the roots without damaging them, and carefully separate mature root clumps. Use a garden fork to help if necessary.

Repot your calathea in a container that’s 8 to 10 inches wide and deep, with plenty of drainage holes. A clay pot is a great choice, but unglazed ceramic or terra cotta will also work. Be sure to add some perlite or vermiculite to the potting mix to increase aeration and help with water retention. The potting soil should be loose, but firm and not overly compacted. This will help the roots to breathe, which will allow them to grow larger. Once the root ball is in the new pot, fill around it with a 14 inch of organic compost to further encourage healthy growth. Use a slow-release fertiliser to help keep nutrients in the soil longer. For more information, check out How to Grow a Plant from Seed.

Tags:wholesale calathea seedling plant | wholesale calathea plant indoor and outdoor | calathea seedling plant

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