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OrientGardening Ficus Elastica

  • Saturday, 27 January 2024
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OrientGardening Ficus Elastica

Ficus elastica is a well-known plant, especially among those who love indoor gardening.orientgardening ficus elastica plant Also known as rubber plants, this evergreen tropical houseplant is prized for its thick leaves, and the shiny sheen they give to interior spaces. It’s also a NASA favorite because it’s an excellent air purifier, removing toxins like formaldehyde from indoor environments.

As a houseplant, it’s relatively easy to grow and maintain, although the leaves can grow quite large.orientgardening ficus elastica plant Ficus elastica plants are also tolerant of various light conditions, from bright to dim and even shady areas. They’re also relatively drought-tolerant once they’ve been established in the pot, but it’s best to keep them near a window with some amount of indirect sunlight. Too much direct sun will scorch the leaves and may lead to leggy growth.

The ficus is a part of the mulberry and fig family, Moraceae, and has an upright, branching growth habit in its natural habitat in Southeast Asia.orientgardening ficus elastica plant The plants don’t produce flowers, but rather tiny fig-like fruits that require the presence of a special species of fig wasp in order to pollinate them. These fruits are inedible and the plant is grown mostly for its foliage.

In its native climate, the ficus can reach up to 60 meters in height, though it’s typically kept shorter when grown indoors. However, it’s still a stunning tree with its oblong to oval leaves that can range from a dark green to a deep maroon or even marked with yellow, red or pink. In fact, Frank Sinatra wrote a song about the plant in 1961, titled “High Hopes.”

Because of their attractiveness, it’s not surprising that the ficus is a popular choice for interior landscapes, but there are some things to consider before growing one at home. The most obvious is that the sap from this plant is toxic to pets and humans if ingested, and it can irritate the skin as well. It’s important to wear gloves when pruning or propagating, and to keep the plant out of reach from kids and pets.

When it comes to caring for the ficus, frequent watering is key. Aim to water the plant once a week, but only when the soil is dry to the touch. Be careful not to overwater, which can cause root rot.

It’s also important to keep in mind that ficus can grow rapidly indoors, reaching six to 10 feet tall or more, so you’ll need to repot it regularly. When the time comes to repot, choose a container that is only slightly larger than the current one. Then, fill it with a layer of drainage material (like gravel or clay shards) before adding in your mixed soil. Be sure to use a potting mix that’s designed for vigorous growers, as this will help your ficus thrive. As an added bonus, this potting mix will help keep the roots moist without overwatering.

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