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Repotting and Caring For Your Money Tree

  • Saturday, 20 January 2024
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Repotting and Caring For Your Money Tree

Unlike some other houseplants, money tree plants are quite durable and can thrive for years in the same tree potted plant Nonetheless, it's still important to keep up with its needs by repotting and caring for it properly. As with other tropical plants, it requires bright indirect light and high humidity. It also needs to be regularly misted and fertilized during its spring-to-fall growing season.

When it comes to repotting, you'll need a planter that's about 2 inches larger than the nursery tree potted plant It should be well-draining and made of a porous material, such as terracotta. This helps to prevent root rot and other common plant problems. It's important to use a well-draining potting mix, too. A peat-moss-based mixture would be ideal, but standard quick-draining cactus or flower soil should work just fine.

It's easy to overwater a money tree, but it's much harder to dry out its roots and tree potted plant So, you'll want to water it thoroughly a few times per week, until the soil is saturated but not dripping. Then, let it sit for a few hours to drain before watering again.

A good way to tell if your money tree is in need of water is to stick your finger into the soil. If it feels dry, water it until the soil is saturated but not dripping.

Like most tropical plants, money trees love a humid environment. However, they can't handle very warm temperatures or drafts. If it's in a drafty spot or near the hot, blowing air of your central heating and cooling system, your plant will likely drop its leaves.

To avoid drafts, place your money tree in a cool, bright spot away from direct sunlight. It's best to place it in a room with an average temperature between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

If you're concerned about the health of your money tree, it's always a good idea to check for pests and disease. Aphids are one of the most common pests for these plants, and they can be spotted by their green or yellow-tinged appearance. They can also be spotted by their black legs and tiny feeding holes on the leaves. The good news is that aphids are fairly easy to kill. You can spray them with a standard insecticide or wash the leaves with soapy water and rinse them.

A common money tree problem is yellowing leaves. This usually indicates that the plant isn't getting enough indirect sunlight or it's being overwatered. Try moving it to a different location with more sunlight or watering less.

Fertilizing is another important step for money tree plants. It's best to do this during the spring and summer when they are in full growth. Use a liquid fertilizer at half strength. Avoid over-fertilizing, as money trees can easily become lanky if they're overfed. Then, discontinue the fertilizing during the winter so your money tree can rest.

Tags:calathea plant indoor and outdoor live plant flowers potted bonsai | braid money tree with 5 stems

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