lucky bamboo

The Bare Root Braided Pachira Aquatica

  • Friday, 29 December 2023
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The Bare Root Braided Pachira Aquatica

The bare root braided pachira aquatica, also known as the money tree or the monkey puzzle plant, is a stunning tropical houseplant that can bring good luck to your home.bare root braided pachira aquatica Its delicate, dark green hands shaped leaves and beautiful braided trunks are thought to symbolize wealth and prosperity in Chinese culture and feng shui. It comes in a stylish eco pot made of recycled materials to add a touch of nature's magic to your space.

It is an easy-care plant and will thrive in a bright, indirect spot. Its native habitat experiences both droughts and floods, so it is important to water it only when the top two inches of soil are dry. You can check for this by sticking your finger into the soil, or using a moisture meter. Avoid overwatering as this can lead to root rot and can burn the leaves.

This indoor plant is tolerant of light levels but prefers a shady location to prevent scorching. During the growing season, which is spring and summer, fertilize the Pachira Braid weekly with a balanced, water soluble fertilizer. During the dormant season, which is fall and winter, fertilization can be reduced or stopped completely.

Like many other plants, the Pachira Braid can benefit from regular pruning to keep it healthy and aesthetically pleasing. It is best to remove old growth and thin out the stems, leaving about half the original length of each leaflet.

Despite its tropical origins, the Pachira aquatica is an extremely hardy and forgiving plant that is rarely damaged by cold temperatures or excessive rain. Its leaves are a beautiful deep green color and each leaflet contains 5-7 bright, curved leaflets resembling palm leaves. The plant is a very efficient air purifier, removing toxins and harmful pollutants from the air.

If you are looking for a new, unique houseplant that is very easy to care for, the bare root braided pachira is an excellent choice. It is also a great plant to give as gifts, as it is a symbol of prosperity in Chinese culture.

The bare root braided pachira or monkey puzzle plant (Pachira aquatica) is an easy-care tropical houseplant that can bring good luck to any home or office. It is a member of the Malvaceae family, which includes plants such as cacao, cotton, hibiscus, and okra. Also called the money plant, guinea nut, Malabar chestnut, Guiana chestnut, pumpo, provision tree, French peanut, saba nut, and monguba, it is a tropical evergreen that can grow to a genuine statement size in its native Central and South America. A common sight in workplaces and retail locations, it is a popular symbol of prosperity in East Asia as a result of its iconic five-braided trunks. This indoor plant is a true beauty that will be a conversation starter in your home or office. Its attractive foliage and unique shape will be the envy of all your friends and coworkers.

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